In my blog in September of last year, I revealed the 4 layers of connection that life story writing brings:
1. Connecting to family and friends by reaching out to them for memories and stories;
2. Connecting to children and grandchildren by handing them your completed book full of those memories and stories;
3. Connecting to friends by sharing your backstory;
4. Making new friends during the process.
Announcing… drum roll… a 5th layer of connection…
5. Connecting to your old self
Let me explain. When you write your life story, you visit your old pals – yourself at 6 years old, 10, 15, 21, 30 and so on.
While you’re creating your book, you connect with your younger self. Through writing your stories and collating your old photos, you bring the awe and hope of your youth into the present. The “old you” then sees things today through a different lens.
This 5th layer of connection came to me yesterday while I was listening to a client’s story. As he reminisced about his university days, I caught a gorgeous glint in his eye. He was connecting with his younger, hopeful, stronger, cheeky self and I’d bet any money he had a rush of endorphins at that moment. I know I did.
Catching those heart-warming looks is one of the many perks of my job. Life story writing breeds connection and with connection comes joy.