With sports coming to a halt, TV production companies have been interviewing our sports stars and their stories of triumphs, defeats and hijinks have been flowing into our lounge rooms. Through our cricket and rugby legends’ stories we are delving into their world and are getting a greater understanding of what drives them and what they are made of.
We have been gifted time to stop and reflect. To stop and be inspired. To stop and laugh. To stop and be awed. To stop and be awakened. To stop and become motivated. To stop and be informed. To stop and tell our stories. Ultimately, to stop and connect.
Storytelling creates connection.
In Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting, Robert McKee writes about the “profound human need to grasp the patterns of living”. Storytelling, not only from our heroes but also from our beloved family members, provides these “patterns of living” and helps us to become the best possible version of ourselves.