Last month I wrote about the majesty of The Wall at Derwent Bridge, Tasmania. The Wall shows the beauty of history in the making and makes the point that we should each write our own story.
The Wall has another powerful message: There is hope for the future. One of the panels lists endemic Tasmanian animals that are extinct and some that are not yet extinct, for whom there is hope for, like this:
Tasmanian tiger: EXTINCT
Tasmanian emu: EXTINCT
Clarence Glaxias: STATUS
Orange-bellied parrot: STATUS
Platypus: STATUS
Greg Duncan, by carving these words for all the world to see, recounts our despicable history of decimating those beautiful species and at the same time highlights the hope that we will hold on to what we have.
Looking back and looking forward with hope is a life-giving message and one which I strive to deliver through my work.